GeoBlaster websiteUsing Drupal there are some seriously sweet customizations that work in all major browsers (IE 7891011, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, iPhone).

Nevermind the database functionality giving way to additional features such as caching (for speed), search engines optimization, and easy-to-administrate website, it includes features to customize for mobile devices. The website clearly demonstrates the value of the GEO-BLASTER with high-resolution images. They are the centerpiece of the website, and can be viewed easily on an Android, Blackberry, or iPhone.

Since I'm using Drupal as the "webmaster" - future edits are very quick and painless using the built-in Drupal interface. In fact, if they want to add videos to the Videos section of the website, all they have to do is upload them to Youtube! Drupal takes care of the rest.

Drupal is so simple and quick in fact - that the content, images, videos and rss feeds on this website can be managed/permissioned/sorted/published via the backend when staff login! (Yes, it's Facebook-easy to manage your own website.) It has advanced XML sitemap features and google analytics integration, and is basically the ultimate web investment! Using a modular piece of software like Drupal, GeoBlast Inc. can add functionality like e-commerce and interactive features at a later date - without having to invest in a whole new website!